Program To Call A Number Repeatedly

How to analyze ST1. Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit here. ABAP trace to tune SAP program performance. You are asked to work on a SAP ABAP program to make it run faster. Hack Shoutcast Radio'>Hack Shoutcast Radio. You are following the performance process discussed in the post SAP ABAP program performance tuning process. You have used SAP ST1. Now you are wondering how to understand SAP ST1. This post would cover. How to understand ABAP trace of ST1. How to analyze ABAP trace for performance tuning. SQL trace of ST1. Understand data in SAP ST1. ABAP trace screen. Again, here I assume that you know how to navigate through ST1. SAP ST1. 2 has following evaluation options. Figure 1 ST1. 2 traces. ST1. 2 trace analysis has two main components normally ABAP trace and performanceSQL trace. Click ABA Trace button, you would get ST1. ABAP trace screen like Figure 2 ABAP trace screen. The above screen has two parts vertically the upper part is overview of runtime distribution. The time distribution tell you program runtime distribution among CPUABAP, Database and system. In the figure 2, The program spends 6. ABAP operation. The lower part is a hit list showing runtime distribution among ABAP components. Hit list is sorted on gross time by default. Program To Call A Number Repeatedly' title='Program To Call A Number Repeatedly' />But you can sort it on other column based on your analysis need. Now you wonder what are those columns Call etc in SAP ST1. ABAP trace screen meaning. Please refer to table 1 for details. Table 1 Understand ST1. ABAP trace data. Column Explanation Call Specific operation executed captured in the trace can be a simple ABAP statement or a formFM etc. No. number of times which the object in call column is actually executed during the trace. Grosstotal time which call takes to execute No. Nettime spent by direct ABAPSQL statements in object under call column. Column. Explanation. Call. Specific operation executed captured in the trace can be a simple ABAP statement or a formFM etc. No. number of times which the. For simple ABAP statement Gross Net. Net time is a sum of time spent by all directsimple ABAPSQL statements in object under call column. GrossGrosstotal runtime X 1. NetNettotal runtime X 1. Program Where the call is from. Type. Default blank Call is an ABAP operation. DB call is a. SQL operation. SYS call is a system operation. Analyze ABAP trace. Identify silver bullet from ST1. XX/15-200/lectures/writingclasses/images/stack2.gif' alt='Program To Call A Number Repeatedly' title='Program To Call A Number Repeatedly' />Program To Call A Number RepeatedlyStory highlights. Donald Trumps relationship to Vladimir Putin is under scrutiny The Republican presidential nominee has repeatedly weighed in on the. PreSocial Security Period. Traditional Sources of Economic Security. All peoples throughout all of human history have faced the uncertainties. Get the latest health news, diet fitness information, medical research, health care trends and health issues that affect you and your family on ABCNews. Interactive. Visual tools coupled with programming, making learning to program easier. Global phone book. Whycall. me is a global directory of unknown number powered by multiple sources including people like you. Earlier this week, the NYCLU released a report on NYPD stop and frisks. The report prompted Public Advocate and likely mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio. ABAP trace. In my experience, performance issues are often caused by top expensive ABAP statements in the program. Addressing those individual ABAP statements usually improve a program performance greatly resulting in meeting business performance requirement. Those top expensive ABAP statements are what I called silver bullet. If you sort SAP ST1. ABAP trace screen by Net column descending, then most expensive ABAPSQL statements would show up at top of display like below. Figure 3 ST1. 2 ABAP trace sorted by NetTo review corresponding ABAP source code detail, you can place the cursor on the line, then click icon in SAP ST1. ABAP trace screen. MMH5JnEPB7ZZHBvXfB30u405Bi1EmF8t10ASP1BXz2c1-S1M0C7d6Hq_dqjbXXoE0=h900' alt='Program To Call A Number Repeatedly' title='Program To Call A Number Repeatedly' />For example, I click once on 2nd line Select LIPS, then I click. It shows program name, exact source code info as below. Figure 4 Sample Source code related to ABAP trace. If you have ABAP knowledge, you can understand why the statement is so expensive in its context, like sort a unchanged table in a loop etc. Application knowledge with insight on testing case can help you to identify problem and solution quickly, For example, if the testing case is to create one sale order, but top expensive ABAP statement is to read order header table VBAK many times, then this is definitely a design or coding issue. For DB type of call, it would show corresponding SQL summary screen for that location if you click on the link. See following example for Call Select LIPS. On the above screen, you would find important information like program, location, number of execution, number of records etc needed in performance analysis. You also can get SQL execution plan from here. I would cover more in SQL analysis of SAP ST1. Following is a list of common scenarios on expensive ABAP statement from my experiences. Table 2 Typical ABAP performance concerns and their solution. Item. Likely solution. Comment Wrong technique to read internal table. Sort, binary read, using table index. How to read a table would make material difference for a big internal table. Too many read on internal table from different places Combine multiple read statements. Reduce un necessary visit on the same table. Sort a table repeatedly. Avoid un necessary sort. Sorting a table in a loop or sorting the same table at different locations is an enemy for performance. Too many individual operation on internal table like modification etc. Use mass operation related to internal table. Loop on internal table. Reduce loop, combine loop etc Expensive SQLs. Reduce of execution, use right index, buffer tabledata etc. More details in ST1. SQL trace analysis section. Others like sleep, wait event. Avoid synchronous RFC calls and hard coded wait and sleep etc. RFC Tuning remote executed FMprogram. I would like to point out no matter how efficient a code is, it should not be executed if it is not needed by business. So we should try to avoid executing the code instead of improving the code in such situation. This has been covered below as a separate point for subroutineform but the idea is applicable here as well. Identify extra subroutine call based on ST1. ABAP trace. Hopefully, by addressing expensive ABAP statements, the program performance meets requirement. If there is no silver bullet detected in ST1. ABAP trace and program performance is short of expectation, what we should do nextNow, we should pay attention to ABAP subroutines forms and Function module calls, we should consider following points. Whether the program needs to execute the subroutine. Whether number of times which the subroutine is executed by the program is justified by businessfunctional need. I think you remember our focus is top expensive subroutine calls in this type of analysis. Figure 5 ABAP trace validate number of execution. You need application level knowledge to assess above points. If one function module takes 6. If we remove the function call, it would save 6. In my performance tuning experience, I found that a logicsubroutine developed for one country was executed un necessary in another countrys business process, this contributed to performance issue. In another scenario, I found a logic which should be executed once on SAP document head level was executed at line item level this means if the logic would execute 1. You can use Call Hierarchy button to do top down analysis to see where time is spent or bottom up to see where the call is from. You might find this useful. But I seldom find the need to do this type of analysis. After all above works including SQL analysis, performance of the program is normally greatly improved and meets users expectation. However there are cases that we cannot meet performance tuning goal and no more meaningful tuning opportunity with all above effort. Then what Please continue reading. Review Program Design and Configuration. Asus Eee Pc 1000H Xp Recovery there. Now you can analyze general performance and try to find out what you should do to improve the performance. You can open ABAP trace summary screen to get an overview of performance on the program execution by clicking ABAP Trace Summary button. This would show runtime distribution of program execution. The relation among them is total runtime database time ABAP time system time. Total runtime showed up in ST1. If there are big difference between ST total time and actual program runtime, this can be related to setting of ST1.