Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In Punjabi

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Page by page Audiolt siqnwmu krqw pur. Ku inr. Bau inrv. Yru Akwl m. Uriq Aj. Un. I s. YBM gur p. Rswidiek. EAMkwr qo. N Awr. MB kro iekmkwr, eykmkwr, ieik. As far as I know. Maskeen Ji never declared himself as Brahmgyani. What others are saying and arguing,at the time of very emotional moments, should hardly be any issue. AARTA Baba Sri Chand Ji. Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission has released a Video Album on the Sacred Birth Anniversary of Baba Sri Chand Ji. Quoting the founder of. CouponCode-008-copy.jpg' alt='Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In Punjabi' title='Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In Punjabi' />Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In PunjabiEAMkwr ieh Zlq aucwrn nh. IN krnw a. UVy dw m. MUMh Kulw, ho. Vy d. I Avwz l. Mb. I jwx ky, l. Mbw p. Urw Pbw ky iekTw iek EAMkwr lt bolo siq nwmu pur Ku rwrw mukqw svwr ky, KKy AONk. V lwau, rwry AONk. V nh. IN lwauxw s. Y BM s. Y kih ky Bby d. I itp. I nk c bolo j. I, s. Yb. M jw s. YBMg Zlq aucwrn hn ssy p. Yr ib. Md. I nh. IN bolx. I p. Rswid ppy mgro. N ADw rwrw iAwl nwl bolo Ikoankaar Sathnaam Karathaa Purakh Nirabho Niravair Akaal Moorath Ajoonee Saibhan GurprasaadhOne Universal Creator God, The. Name Is Truth Creative Being Personified No Fear No Hatred Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self Existent. By Gurus Gracejpubwx. I dw nwm jpu h. Y jpu polw bolxw, jpu dw Ar. Q h. Y Kwx jbu j. I s. Yhb nh. IN kihxw jp Ar. Q h. Y ik mhlw pihlw j. I urmw rhy hndwsn dws vwihgur. Xr52Mum6zzO_y9PVvMUHl4D6Kxki3o6MjMi2h1iDQsCFNPBj-T9rqG2YmwrXXLQ=h900' alt='Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In Punjabi' title='Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In Punjabi' />Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In PunjabiGuru Granth Sahib Punjabi Gurmukhi Gur Grath Shib J, Punjabi pronunciation u nt shb, r u r n t s h b. U j. I n. UM jpu irhw h. Yjpx dw prmpivq. R Su. B scw aupdy. S h. Y, siqgur. U j. I ny swihb AKr siqkwr le. I vrqy hn swihb ssy k. Mnw, m. UMh Af ky l. Mb. I lwau, hwhy d. I ishwr. I l. GU Cot. I bolo j. I jpupolw bolo Jap Chant And Meditate Awid scu jugwid scuih. Md. I c ishwr. I n. UM Cot. I ibhwr. I boldy hn, Awid n. UM Awd. I nh. IN p. Linear Programming And Game Theory there. Vnw Aw id k. Mnw l. Mbw bol ky, ishwr. I s. Mkoc ky h. I bolo scu AONk. V BI lwau, Aw id scu jugw id scuAadh Sach Jugaadh Sach True In The Primal Beginning. True Throughout The Ages. Y BI scu nwnk. hos. I BI scu1BI n. UM b. HI nh. IN p. Vnw hos. IHai Bhee Sach Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach 1True Here And Now. O Nanak, Forever And Ever True. Y. soic n hove. I jy soc. I l. K vwrho ve. I lKSochai Soch N Hovee Jae Sochee Lakh Vaar By thinking, He cannot be reduced to thought, even by thinking hundreds of thousands of times. Y. cuip n hove. I jy lwie rhw ilv qwrcup. Y cuipChupai Chup N Hovee Jae Laae Rehaa Liv Thaar By remaining silent, inner silence is not obtained, even by remaining lovingly absorbed deep within. Bui. KAw. Bu. K n auqr. I jy b. Mnw pur. IAw BwrBui. KAW BuK auqr. I b. MnwBhukhiaa Bhukh N Outharee Jae Bannaa Pureeaa Bhaar The hunger of the hungry is not appeased, even by piling up loads of worldly goods. Awxpw. l. K hoih q iek. Y nwilshs hzwr shs iq. Mny mukqy bolo, s. Software Pulsa Crack Keygen. Yihs Zlq h. Y hoih ho. Vw l. Mbw, ishwr. I s. Mkoc ky bolo, hwhy ishwr. I d. I QW, dulwv. W nh. IN bolx. IAW q, n mukqy bolo iek n n. UM nw nh. IN bolxw j. I, kyvl nSehas Siaanapaa Lakh Hohi Th Eik N Chalai Naal Hundreds of thousands of clever tricks, but not even one of them will go along with you in the end. Awrw hoe. IAY ikv. UVY qut. Y pwilsic. Awrw sc d. I p. Rwpq. I vwly qut. Y pwil k. MD pwil lly p. Yr ib. Md. I nh. IN bolx. I, ishwr. I iAwl nwl boloKiv Sachiaaraa Hoeeai Kiv Koorrai Thuttai Paal So how can you become truthful And how can the veil of illusion be torn away I clxw nwnk. KAw nwil1clxw. Hukam Rajaaee Chalanaa Naanak Likhiaa Naal 1O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. I. hovin Awkwr hukmu. Aw jwe. Iho vin Awkwr. AYVy k. Mnw iAwl nwl lwauHukamee Hovan Aakaar Hukam N Kehiaa Jaaee By His Command, bodies are created His Command cannot be described. I. hovin j. IA hukim. Y vif. Awe. Ij. IA ibhwr. I d. Ir. G bol ky, AYVw iAwl nwl l. GU boloHukamee Hovan Jeea Hukam Milai Vaddiaaee By His Command, souls come into being by His Command, glory and greatness are obtained. I, auqmu n. Icu hukim ili. K, du. K su. K pwe. IAihauqmu duK ili. K, su. K poly bolxy pwe. Question Writer 4 Crack'>Question Writer 4 Crack. I Aih pwe. I kih ky, AYVw mukqw kih ky, hwhy ishwr. I boloHukamee Outham Neech Hukam Likh Dhukh Sukh Paaeeahi By His Command, some are high and some are low by His Written Command, pain and pleasure are obtained. I b. Ks. Is ieik, hukm. I sdw Bvwe. IAihBvwe. I Aih Bvwe. I kih ky AYVw mukqw bol ky, hwhy ishwr. I bolo, AYVy dulwv. W nh. IN bolx. IAWEikanaa Hukamee Bakhasees Eik Hukamee Sadhaa Bhavaaeeahi Some, by His Command, are blessed and forgiven others, by His Command, wander aimlessly forever. Y AMdir. s. Bu ko bwhir hukm. I lw ky SuD aucwro gurbwx. I j. I c, bwhir dy hwhy ishwr. I ikqy BI nh. INHukamai Andhar Sabh Ko Baahar Hukam N Koe Everyone is subject to His Command no one is beyond His Command. Y jy bu. JY q haum. Y. kh. Y n koie2jy iq. RSnw, ip. Aws, Ag, idl dw bu. Jxw Ar. Q bxy q. W bu. JY polw p. VHnw pr ijQy hukm, ig. Awn, nwm, p. RSn, p. Rmy. Sr, buJwrq, buJx dw Ar. Q bxy, auQy buJY ADk nwl boloNaanak Hukamai Jae Bujhai Th Houmai Kehai N Koe 2O Nanak, one who understands His Command, does not speak in ego. Y ko qwxu hov. Y iks. Y qwxuqwxu bl gwv. Y dul. W bolo iks. Y polw bolo. Gaavai Ko Thaan Hovai Kisai Thaan Some sing of His Power who has that Power Y ko dwiq jwx. Y n. Iswxun. Iswxu p. Rgt, in. Swn. Gaavai Ko Dhaath Jaanai Neesaan Some sing of His Gifts, and know His Sign and Insignia. Y ko gux vif. Awe. IAw cwrcwr su. Mdr. Gaavai Ko Gun Vaddiaaeeaa Chaar Some sing of His Glorious Virtues, Greatness and Beauty. Y ko ivid. Aw iv. Kmu v. Icwruivid. Aw, iv. Kmu k. Tn. Gaavai Ko Vidhiaa Vikham Veechaar Some sing of knowledge obtained of Him, through difficult philosophical studies. Y ko swij kry qnu KyhKyh l. W l. Mb. I bol ky, hwhw mukqw bolo, hwhy ishwr. I nh. IN lwaux. IGaavai Ko Saaj Karae Than Khaeh Some sing that He fashions the body, and then again reduces it to dust. Y ko j. IA l. Y i. Pir dyhdyh l. W l. Mb. I bol ky, hwhw mukqw bolo, hwhy ishwr. I nh. IN lwaux. IGaavai Ko Jeea Lai Fir Dhaeh Some sing that He takes life away, and then again restores it. Y ko jwp. Y ids. Y d. Uirids. Y polw bolo. Gaavai Ko Jaapai Dhisai Dhoor Some sing that He seems so very far away.