Chocobo Stallion English Patch
XIV Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, also known collectively with its expansion and past. Cdrwin Ware on this page. Chocobo Stallion English Patch' title='Chocobo Stallion English Patch' />Black Desert Online Horse Taming and Breeding Guide. Basics BDODulfy. Mar 3, 2. A guide to taming and breeding horses in Black Desert Online. Taming Preparation. Getting Started. Horse Taming a fun activity in Black Desert Online that not only allow you to get additional horses for your trade wagons but also allow you to breed horses together into higher tiers. FINAL FANTASY XIV, Fishing Database Cat became hungry. CoolROM. coms PSX ROMs section. Browse Top ROMs or By Letter. Mobile optimized. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. GUIA DO PRAZER Tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre sexo est aqui Tornese um expert, aprenda com a experincia de outras pessoas. To get started in horse taming you will need to meet the following requirements. Be Level 2. 02. Training Beginner Level 5 Press P and look under ProfessionIf you are not yet Beginner Level 5, just ride the donkey you get from Velia around until you get to level 5. You need to be Beginner Level 5 to use the rope. Have about 2. 0 3. The rope you need to purchase costs 1. This isnt much but if it is your first time you may fail a few times so having say something like 1. You also need some silver to buy the Raw Sugar and Mineral Water to make Lump of Sugar. Be willing to travel far Depending on the time of the day, there might be plenty of other players trying to tame the same horses. Once tamed, the wild horses will disappear and take 2 hour to respawn. Chocobo Stallion English Patch' title='Chocobo Stallion English Patch' />You might have a better shot going to the high level zones which requires a bit of traveling. Capturing Rope and Lump of Sugar. Capturing Rope and Lump of Sugar are all you need to start horse taming. Capturing Rope. You can purchase this from any Stable Keeper in cities and towns like Olivia, Velia and Heidel. To find the Stable Keeper, press the NPC button near your minimap and select Stable. This will direct you to the closest Stable Keeper. Click on the shop icon when interacting with the Stable Keeper not all staple keepers have the shop function but the ones in townscities do. You want to purchase about 1. Capturing Ropes when starting off. This should cost you 1. You only need 1 Capturing Rope per taming attempt but having 1. Ts Sever on this page. Lump of Raw Sugar. Lump of Raw Sugar is something you have to make yourself. It reduces the likelihood of the roped horse resisting your advance to mount it. Chocobo Stallion English Patch' title='Chocobo Stallion English Patch' />To make Lump of Raw Sugar, you need to purchase 1 Minerial Water and 1. Raw Sugarnot Sugar per Lump of Raw Sugar. This costs about 2. Lump of Raw Sugar. You buy them from the cooking NPC in a towncity which you can find again by using the NPC button and select cooking. Once you have purchased them, press L to open the Processing Window and click on Heating then select the Mineral Water and Raw Sugar. You cannot split stacks here but dont worry it wont eat the extras. Chocobo Stallion English Patch' title='Chocobo Stallion English Patch' />You probably want to make 1. Lumps of Raw Sugar to go along with the 1. Capturing Ropes. This will give you 1. Finding Wild Horses. Now that you are armed with Capturing Rope and Lump of Raw Sugar, it is time to find some wild horses to tame. Here are some locations where you can find the Wild Horses. In each location anywhere from 1 4 horses can spawn and they have a respawn time of 2 hrs after they have been tamed. WestNorth of Heidel. Chocobo Stallion English Patch' title='Chocobo Stallion English Patch' />These areas are highly contested and you are unlikely to find much horses. South of Olvia. If you cant find any near Heidel and dont have the means to travel to some far locations then you might be able to find one on the mountains south of Olivia. South of Glish. 4. East of Trent Up the Mountains. Southeast of Calpheon, in between Marni Cave Path and Marni Farm Ruins. South of Epheria Port Horse Taming. Armed with a capturing rope and Lump of Raw Sugar I would put them on hotbars for ease of use, you encounter your first wild horse. What do you do Wild Horse Tiers. I believe the wild horses are only Tier 1 3 right now in NAEU so sometimes you may get lucky and get a Tier 3 but to advance further you will need to go into horse breeding. Use this chart to see which color of the horse responds to which tier to know the tier of the wild horse you are approaching. Sometimes it isnt worth it to get a Tier 1 horse for example. Video Demonstration. This video will demonstrate the technique described below and allow you to see some aspects of taming that cannot be described sufficiently with words. The Taming Processing. The First Minigame. When you encounter the wild horse, you want to be fairly close and equip your Capturing Rope putting it on the hotbar by dragging it from the inventory and placing it on your hotbar is recommended. Make sure the horse isnt running away from you and then aim your rope at the horse and press the left mouse button. If done properly you will get a minigame where you need to press spacebar when the the grey thingie is inside the red portion. This is an exercise in timingping and may take you a few attempts to get it right. You only get one try of the minigame per rope. Make sure the horse isnt moving around or running away from you as otherwise the horse can get out of range as soon as the rope latch on to it and you fail immediately. The Second Minigame. Next part is very important. Do not press spacebar right away. This is the biggest reason why so many people fail taming their first time. You want to start walking towards the horse and watch for its animation. When you see the horse raise its front hooves and only when it raise its hooves, you press the spacebar and start the second minigame. I wasted so many capturing ropes by pressing spacebar right away and then the taming would immediately fail. When you press the spacebar, the second minigame starts and you want to spam the spacebar so that the indicator stay at the right side of the bar. You need to maintain this for 1. Company Of Heroes Cd Key Crack Download'>Company Of Heroes Cd Key Crack Download. W. Depending your distance from it, you may need to do this second mingame again if the horse raise its front hooves again. MountingFeeding Lump of Raw Sugar. The last part is basically get close enough to the horse and then use the Lump of Raw Sugar. I couldnt use it directly from my inventory and had to hotbar it in order to use it. If all goes well, you can click R to mount the horse. This last part can also fail in two ways. If you approach and mount the he horse too quickly i. Taming can simply just fail and the horse just kick you off. Lump of Raw Sugar reduce the chance of this happening. Registering. Once you successful tamed the wild horse, bring it to the nearest stable use the NPC look up function. When talking to the Stable keeper, you will get the option to Register the Wild Horse. Unfortunately you wont know the gender of the captured horse until it is registered. If you are running low on stable spaces. Horse Ranch at one of the towncities. The increase in space wil only affect the stable at the city in which it was purchased. Elsewhere will still have the 3 slots by default. Storing Horses in Stables. If you store your horse in a specific stable, you must retrieve it from the same stable. There is no magic transportation device that bring your horse from one stable to another. If you are unsure which stable has your horse, just check in any stable and it will tell you where it is stored. Selling. If you are running out of spaces in the stable or unhappy with your captured horse you can sell it at stables in towncities. Generally Tier 1 Males wont sell well but Tier 1 Females and higher can sell pretty fast. The reason for this is that all the pre order Tier 5 horses are males and females are less common and can only breed once twice for males. Horse Gear. If you raise your amenity high enough with the stable keepers in townscities you can purchase basic horse gear for 1. The Heidel one Izaro near the docks for example requires 1. Amenity which is pretty easy to raise with the right topics.