Hack Shoutcast Radio

With a bit of tweaking you can make the new Internet Radio Player play web radio streams from anywhere you want it to. Sony wanted to lock us in to Shoutcast. Out of the box Windows 7 Media Center supports a few streaming radio services including Live365. XM Radio if your preferred service happens to be Shoutcast. FBI iPhone hack lost forever. AOL axes Nullsoft whither Winamp, Shoutcast providing 70m hours of radio a month. Forums The SHOUTcast Streaming Standard TechnicalIntro. Not much is available about how our streaming technology works, more specifically MP3 streaming. When you get right down to it, it is actually very simple to understand. You will especially understand it if you know anything about HTTPs Protocol, which is simply a communication method for a client to a server. This article is mainly geared for those hard core into this stuff or those who want to develop applications similar to those utilized at this site. SHOUTcast Streaming Service Monetization The free customizable Winamp media player that plays mp3 other audio files, syncs your. SHOUTcast DNAS Server 2. From. with the new authhash and if the stream is set to be public then will attempt to get the stream listed in the SHOUTcast Radio. SsrvcnTpHfk/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Shoutcast Download For Winamp' title='Shoutcast Download For Winamp' />Shoutcast HostingShoutcast Free RadioTools used. The tools used for streaming are quite simple. Source usually a dsp in a playerServer dispatches the sources mp. Client is used to listen to the audio coming down from the server. Source to Server. In order for a server to allow connections from a client, it needs a source. When a source connection is made then the server will pass the data along to the clients when they connect. Screenshot-050614-154412.png' alt='Shoutcast Radio Directory' title='Shoutcast Radio Directory' />The dialog goes something like this I will use SHOUTcast as the example1. The source makes a connection to the service port shoutcasts is the port 12. The source then sends the password like so passwordrn. If the password is correct, the server will reply with OK2rnicy caps 1. If the password is incorrect, the server sends invalid passwordrn. If the source receives the OK2, it then begins sending information about the stream to the server. Usually in this form Code Select allicy name Unnamed Serverrn. Unknown Genrern. N2. FArn. Then The source will begin sending the mp. You can also pass this optional data. Code Select allcontent type mimetypern. HTTP spec header. NSVNSA streams. icy prebuffer, we arent quite certain what this is for, how to use it or even whether it works, but it exists. Shoutcast Dsp DownloadRadio Status Hack Radio Status Hack Shoutcast radio status block. Streaming Software Software. Free. shoutcast, web radio, streaming, dnas, radionomy, SHOUTcast, radio,m3u. With Gandi servers, creating your own Web Radio is childs play. SHOUTcast is a software which facilitates the broadcast of music on the Internet. Gadgetguru PHPStreamingAudio. Code. Issues 3. Pseudo shoutcast server. Shoutcast protocol The protocol is a bit of a hack. Its. Shoutcast streams on nonstandard port would no longer play. According to our records on radio. Shoutcast Radio. Shoutcast specific hack. The optional params are not necessarily passed to the client, content type is of course but as for the others it is not clear. This is just a simple walk through of how the source communicates with the server. No other information is passed on this port as far as I am aware. Hack Shoutcast Radio' title='Hack Shoutcast Radio' />Title streaming from source to server. This is a simple one, the server receives the title of the song and the URL of the page simply by having the source make the URL call Code Select allhttp www. Server2. 0Password modeupdinfo songSong2. Goes2. 0here urlhttp someurl. When this gets called by the source or a browser even, the title of the song changes in the clients which support shoutcast style title streaming. This communication always happens on the public port by default 8. You also must make sure that when you make your HTTP calls that it comes from a browser or program that specifies the User Agent header as Mozilla. Client to Server. The Client to Server communication is handle in a similar fashion to the way that a browser communicates with a webpage server. This is known as the HTTP protocol. However SHOUTcast and icecast do not handle in exactly the same manner, the headers are different. I have yet to pin point exactly what is so different. I think it may have something to do with the notification error, as it is HTTP1. OK on all web servers using HTTP, this may confuse some clients and causes the headers to not exist. The client connects to the server and sends information about itself, if it can handle title streaming it sends and extra field like so. In addition to the normal headers sent. This tag signifies that the client has the ability to stream the title streaming tags from the stream, therefore the server will send the extra title information, if this were not possible, some clients would hiccup when the title information is sent. The server then responds with. Code Select all. ICY 2. OKrn signifying that the server was successful. BR This stream requires lt a hrefhttp www. Winamplt a lt BR redundant notice. Nox Solo Quest Patch. SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Serverposix v. BR tells the client what server it is and versionSHOUTcast Specific. Unnamed Serverrn Name of the server. Unknown Genrern what genre the server falls under. Content Type audiompegrn Content type of the stream to follow. I will discuss this further later. At this point the server begins sending the audio data. SHOUTcast Meta Title Streaming. Earlier we discussed how the server gets the title of the song from the source, but we didnt quite get into how the client gets the title of the song. When the client signifies that it is title streaming compatible, the shoutcast server adds an extra header tag set like so. Meta Data which is where the title is stored It also always starts counting at the beginning of the stream not the header. After this the client then reads 1 byte, this byte tells the client how large the Meta Data Tag is divided by 1. But, you ask, not all titles are going to equal 6. Well the simple answer is that SHOUTcast places blanks or 0 in the unused space until it equals the length, after that is read, then it is back to the mpeg data to start the process all over again. Pretty simple huh In Closing. I am sure that this technology will change, and I will try my best to keep this article up to the specs as I know them. If you find anything incorrect in this article, or any oversights, then please email me. Feel free to leave a comment if you feel that I have missed something. Do not reply with questions. Questions should go in the Audio Streaming forum. Questions will be split from this thread and moved to appropriate forums. Login to the SHOUTcast DNAS Black Red admin panel Knowledgebase. Portal Home Knowledgebase SHOUTcast Advanced Login to the SHOUTcast DNAS Black Red admin panel. Many users forget that the username for the black Shoutcast dnas admin panel will always be admin. The username will never be the same as your Wavepanel one. You can access this via your server status page, click Admin Login and it will take you to the admin. Add to Favourites    Print this Article. Also Read. Powered by WHMComplete.